Student Competitions
I regularly advise and coach individual students and student teams in international Industrial Engineering competitions, as I believe such competitions help students acquire new knowledge, develop their confidence, and increase their disciplinary enthusiasm.
Notable Achievements include:
E.Karpinski, C. Barros, and L. Jiang -Second in the Institute of Industrial Engineers Rockwell Undergraduate Student Simulation Competition (learn more about this competiton)
X. Zhang (2012) - Second in the Institute of Industrial Engineers Student Technical Paper Competition
M. Lui (2011) - First in the Institute of Industrial Engineers Process Industries Division Student Paper Competition .

With Camila, Lin and Elizabeth in Orlando - read more
Romeo L. Moruzzi Award for Innovation in Undergraduate Education
Romeo L. Moruzzi Young Faculty Award for Innovation in Undergraduate Education recognizes early career faculty members who have made specific innovations or improvements to undergraduate education at WPI that have resulted in benefits such as enhanced motivation, conceptual understanding, reinforcement of knowledge, or real-world applications of theory.
I am humbled and honored to have received the 2018 award. (more information)
IISE Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Division Teaching Award
"This award recognizes excellence in teaching Modeling & Simulation (M&S) courses. The objectives of the award are to show appreciation to the faculty members of Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), who are outstanding in teaching M&S courses and encourage instructors, to raise the standards in teaching and disseminating M&S concepts in engineering or related programs". (link)
I very much love teaching simulation courses, and was very honored to be recognized in 2021.
MQP Provost Awards
These awards offer recognition to those students who have completed outstanding Major Qualifying Projects (MQPs) as a demonstration of their competency in a chosen academic discipline.
The following teams of students I advised have been awarded this honor:
[2019] Matthew John Nicholson, Yaofeng Wang, Yiyi Chen "BNP Paribas: Symphony Chatbot." Sponspor: BNP Paribas
[2018] Katharine Dunphy, Sophia Gomarlo, Katherine Moore "Analyzing Fast-Track Effectiveness at ReadyMED Plus Worcester."
Sponsor: Reliant Medical Group​
[2014] Jose Luis Ortiz Rosero, Marina Flaksberg Chevis, Veronica Isabel Vallenilla "Opticap XL Output and Workflow Improvement- Examining Production Line Dedication." Sponsor: EMD Millipore​